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Songs. Stories. Lyrics.

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(Lyrics Ilaria Crociani, Music Niko Schäuble )

To Isabella Leonarda e Barbara Strozzi

MUSICALI AFFETTI – to Barbara Strozzie Isabella Leonarda, Italy XVII sec.

In Baroque music, the Italian word “Affetti” (translating into English as “affections”) was used to denote musical compositions aimed at moving the passions and sentiments of the listener. Commonly, “Affetto” signifies a tender feeling towards another person.

The song “Musicali Affetti” fantasises around an imaginary amicable relationship that occurred between contemporary Barbara Strozzi and Isabella Leonarda, two of the most significant (and very few) XVII century female composers of Italian Baroque music.


The song depicts Isabella's feelings, prayers and vows after receiving the news of Barbara's death. It portrays a relationship of reciprocal esteem between two fellow musicians but also reveals the profound connection of mutual empathy and solidarity between two very different women, a nun and (some argue) a courtesan, who, notwithstanding the adversities, were both able to express their musical talents and produce extensive, highly appreciated, bodies of work in a music society and profession that was the sole dominion of male artists.


MUSICALI AFFETTI, Dedicata a BarbaraStrozzi e IsabellaLeonarda, Italia XVII sec.

Nella musica barocca, la parola italiana "Affetti" (traducibile in inglese come "affections") era usata per indicare composizioni musicali volte a smuovere le passioni e i sentimenti dell'ascoltatore. Comunemente, "Affetto" indica un sentimento di tenerezza verso un'altra persona.

La canzone "Musicali Affetti" fantastica su un'immaginaria relazione amicale intercorsa tra le contemporanee Barbara Strozzi e Isabella Leonarda, due delle pochissime ma più significative compositrici femminili del XVII secolo della musica barocca italiana.

La canzone descrive i sentimenti, le preghiere e i voti di Isabella dopo aver ricevuto la notizia della morte di Barbara. Il brano ritrae un rapporto di reciproca stima tra due colleghe musiciste, ma rivela anche il profondo legame di reciproca empatia e solidarietà tra due donne molto diverse tra loro, una monaca e (secondo molti) una cortigiana, che, nonostante le avversità, riuscirono entrambe ad esprimere il proprio talento musicale e a produrre un'ampia e apprezzatissima produzione musicale in una società e in una professione che era dominio esclusivo degli uomini.


(Lyrics: Ilaria Crociani – Music: Niko Schäuble)

To Barbara Strozzi and Isabella Leonarda



The fog rolled in again at dusk.

That mystic haze both love

floated in muffling the death knell's strikes.

Three times two, as it must.


I prayed at vespers with your songs.

Tears scattered on your score.

Now alone... Will my faith be enough?

What can be said or done?


You, the virtuosissima

Whatever they say, you're the purest Angel to me

Lilium inter spinas


Each time I waited for your lines

you whispered to my eyes

Beyond the bars, your vows were just like mine.

O quam cara et dulcis.

Requiem dona ei.

Requiem dona ei.



You, the virtuosissima

Whatever they will say, you're the purest Angel to me

Lilium inter spinas


Our lives may drown in history.

Two voices from the past,

parallel, yet perpendicular.

Our music

is what shall last.

For, after all,

isn't this

what we both

longed for, joyed for, lived for?

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